
Qualitative Research

We offer the full range of qualitative research methods and techniques and tailor these to meet the study objectives, but also to meet the needs of participants.

We often apply different qualitative approaches within the same study in order to ensure participants from a range of backgrounds feel comfortable and motivated to take part.

For example, if a topic area is sensitive to certain types of individuals, we may include an additional one to one in-depth interview stage to supplement focus groups – whether in person or online. This enables those who may need to open up about difficult circumstances to do so without feeling intimidated in a group setting.

We offer a wide range of deliberative event formats to suit the study brief. This could take form of a ‘mini-delib’ whereby 21 participants join a 3 hour session. Or a larger event of 80 participants lasting 4 to 6 hours. Attending a deliberative event is a great opportunity for you to, meet your customers or service users. If you really want to get involved you can present your topic to the audience and take any questions, to help fully inform participants. Then leave it to our moderators to gather feedback, or co-develop the service you are looking to offer or improve.

We regularly include a video vox pop element to qual studies, whether using online or face to face data collection methods. We’ll produce a film showcasing the key highlights from the footage. It’s a great way to bring the research insights to life and engage any of your internal stakeholders in the outcomes.

For further information about qualitative research please contact:

Richard Bryan, Managing Director

01904 632 032