A group of women working at a food bank


We support a wide range of high-profile charities to collect and analyse primary research data as well as evaluate projects and services they offer. From mixed-method full-service evaluations through to research fieldwork only, or offering more of an advisory role, we provide clients with an independent perspective on their work and support them to gather evidence to demonstrate their impact to funders and supporters.

We provide a full spectrum of quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation tools and have links with specialist associates that support with complementary services such as social value assessment. We regularly consult with service users, project and delivery staff, volunteers, wider stakeholders, and funders.

Qa has considerable experience in engaging vulnerable audiences, and those that can find it harder to engage with services. This can include the digitally excluded, children and young people – including looked after children and those with special education needs and/or disability – people living with mental and/or physical health conditions; people in financial and housing crisis, and those that have experienced trauma such as domestic abuse survivors; as well as those experiencing life-changing events like bereavement.

Our research and evaluation services enable you to:

  • Develop and refine evaluation frameworks and tools
  • Gather primary data from a range of stakeholders to evidence need and increase supporter engagement
  • Evaluate the reach and impact of services and projects
  • Demonstrate impact to funders

ForĀ more informationĀ please contact:

Becky Gulc, Research Manager
01904 632039


Who We Work With