Qa to share insights on health inequalities at Social Research Association event
This year has thrown the health inequalities across the UK into sharp relief.
And at a free event next week, four researchers will explore what their investigations into different aspects of health inequity have revealed.
Understanding Health Inequalities: research in practice is a seminar by Social Research Association North on Monday 14 December.
Among those taking part is Qa Research senior research executive Georgina Culliford. She will present her findings after working on project to close the health gap in Leeds.

The free online event takes place on Monday 14 December between 12.30pm and 2pm – book your place here.
Qa worked with NHS Leeds CCG as they created their Health Inequalities Framework to address the growing problem in the city.
In essence, the plan proposed investing more resources in the areas most in need, to quickly improve the residents’ health and wellbeing – helping to close the gap.
“We wanted to see how the Framework would land with the general public of Leeds – whether they would support dividing resources up unequally to improve the health of the most vulnerable in Leeds, even if it meant a reduction in their own services,” Georgina said.
At the seminar Georgina will join with Becky Barwick, Head of System Integration at NHS Leeds CCG, to talk about:
- why the research was needed
- how the work was carried out
- key takeaway findings
- and how the research helped launch the Framework.
Also at the seminar, David Leese of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation will talk about the impact of Covid-19 on poverty – and solutions going forward.
And Suzy Solley of Groundswell will talk on women, health and homelessness in London.
To learn more about the work by Qa Research within the health and social car sector, contact Richard Bryan, Managing Director at richard.bryan@qaresearch.co.uk and 01904 632039
Photograph: Gary Butterfield on Unsplash