Gauging the mood of the public and businesses during Covid-19
Since Covid-19 has taken hold of society, organisations have had to stop and re-think their strategies.
Key questions they are asking include:
- How do we offer our products and deliver our services in this new reality?
- How do we communicate and promote our wears to those we serve?
- How do we conduct research and gain insight with our customers and service users?
To enable organisations to gain customer and service user feedback, Qa has adapted its research methodologies so that the public and businesses can provide their views in a safe and accessible way.
Since lockdown we have been fully operational for all methodologies that do not involve face to face contact such, as online surveying, telephone surveying, qualitative research recruitment and facilitation using the phone or digital engagement platforms.
Our staff and interviewers are successfully working from home and we have completed a range of projects since lockdown including:
- National tourism body: online survey of members all of which are UK tourism businesses, to understand the impact of the CV on business levels. Take a look at the results here
- London borough council: telephone survey of businesses in the borough to gauge the impact of the virus
- South eastern university: recruitment of UK general public for online focus groups and in-depth interviews focusing on woodlands and health and wellbeing
- Local Enterprise Partnership in the West Midlands: telephone survey and in-depth telephone interviews to understand triggers and barriers to workforce development in digital skills
We welcome hearing from you if you have a research requirement but need advice on safe but effective ways to engage your target audience.
This is a time where we can all learn together to adapt new engagement approaches to help re-build a better society for all.
- For more information, contact Richard Bryan, Managing Director, at richard.bryan@qaresearch.co.uk and 01904 632039
Photograph: Pexels on Pixabay