Supporting the Workers’ Educational Association to develop the Community Grants Programme
Adult education can play a key role in equipping individuals with the skills needed to enhance their lives and explore new opportunities. However, engaging those who stand to benefit the most from such education can be challenging. The Greater London Authority (GLA) ‘Skills for Londoners Community Grants Programme’ offers small grants to community organisations to increase participation in adult education amongst Londoners with no or low qualifications. The WEA, who manage the programme, wanted to evaluate how effectively the Community Grants were implemented and managed.
Qa initially analysed data from surveys the WEA had conducted with grant-holding community organisations. We then conducted depth interviews with 12 adult learners, using their feedback to assess the impact of the grants. Due to the high number of courses relating to English as a second language, several interviews were conducted with interpretation support from a family member or community worker.
Our research provided the WEA with a clear understanding of the benefits and challenges of the Community Grants in aiding the education of disadvantaged adult learners. Qa produced a detailed report which highlighted how the Community Grants Programme was working effectively, and areas where it could be improved. The WEA were therefore able to suggest improvements and report on successes to the GLA.
For more information contact:
Michael Fountain Research Director
01904 632039
Photography: Thirdman on Pexels